Sunday, September 16, 2007

Wha? Huh? Where am I?

What do you do when your partner says to you after 6 1/2 years, "We need a split?" "It's just a you have a better one?"
You do nothing but sit there, stunned in silence. I have spent the better part of the last year and a half, trying to prove myself, working hard at bettering this relationship; I thought we both were. I know she wants to move out of Erie, but I wanted a compromise of waiting just two years. I guess that's not a compromise. Because I want to wait til my son is done with school and is out on his own, that's a bad thing to her. She says she'll go and get a job and set up house and I can meet up with her in a year and a half. Wha?!?! Am I being unreasonable here? Before this, she kept saying that we should split, even offered to "set me up" in an apartment. So now I feel like she's saying that this is the plan then once she's out of the picture, she's going to say, "Sorry, we should just end it."
She says that it's because of this crap my Son just pulled, but if you wanted me to originally move with you, he would have to go, too, right? I'm trying to look at this from all angles and be rational, but like most things with me, it's going to take some time. I'm stuck at some crazy crossroads about what to do. I don't know where to go from here. Hell, I don't even know where "HERE" is anymore. It's a downward spiral of insanity.
It's also strange that now that things have "quieted down" with my Son, she's having a bigger problem with all of it. The irony is that he wanted to know how late she was going to be out tonight because he wanted the company...HER COMPANY! And she doesn't want to be anywhere around him. He's a leper to her. He made a mistake, a BIG mistake, a doozy! I'll give you that. But, I think he is getting the picture that he's not going to get what he wants every time he throws a tantrum. Maybe. I know it'll take some time to retrain him, but he's not doing too bad. It's not every single day...not even close.
How come when I think things are getting better...they're actually getting worse. Where the hell am I and what am I doing here? Please!!!

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